Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Post #0094 - Until another really-really-really irresistible offer comes knocking again

Dear Earthlings, 
Early this year, GadgetGeek got an irresistible job offer which offered us to migrate. Very tempting indeed. (For few weeks, only God knows how I had to crack my brain on drafting the resignation letter.  Hurmph!)
Then he'd passed the offer as he didn’t want to return to consulting world where there is no  time for family.  Been there done that.

About couple of months later, he received another day to day job offer in the same country. Plan to take it but differing the employment to after this Raya.
Since the dateline is approaching, I had to ask him again. This is because I have been holding back so many plans due to migration. I can't simply book any flight ticket, plan out any vacation or even to decide on Youngster #1 primary school. So after thoughtful consideration, he decided to decline the said offer and continue to cherish whatever we are having here

Am I relieved? I don’t know.
It is not really matter whether we are going to migrate or not. Afterall, I’m happy with my current life, though we are not lavishly living. 

A friend once asked me, “what do you really want in life?”
His questions flowed to material things like “what designer handbag you want?” etc.(Too bad I'm not a brand conscious)

Well, after having several unfortunate incidents, kids in and out hospitals, all I want is to have a real wealth life where money can’t buy – ie : Health and family.

I can’t really answer his question because I already have what I really want in life - A family with simple living

Now playing : Lee Dewyze - Sweet Serendipity

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